Wednesday, February 16, 2022

The ways we lie essay

The ways we lie essay

You are commenting using your Twitter account. Name required. However, others argue that it is never morally right to lie. The safest way to lie is to vanish from the scene so that people will not blame or to cause any suspicious remarks against you. There are many ways of lying, in which the most common is when we deny by saying no, the ways we lie essay. Lies have been around for as long as people have been. Instead, they end up finding out later when they are not as prepared to handle the truth.

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Nowadays people are so obsessed with lies and use lies to cover their follies and weaknesses. Some lies are harmless and do not badly affect others. Most of the people tell lies to escape from silly problems. The lies that are told for noble causes are to be neglected because the reason behind the intension to tell that is valid. But most of the people tell lies for mere pleasure. Even though the author deals with the various kinds of lies, the motivation behind this habit is not adequately evaluated in this essay. Stephanie Ericsson points out that once she tried to keep away from lies but it was impossible for her. She identifies the kinds of lies we all tell at one time or another.

It is unavoidable and sometimes beneficial to us. She further goes on to justify the reason behind the habit of telling lies. The essay is aimed on educated and general audience because the theme and tone of the essay is applicable to all. I discovered that telling the the ways we lie essay all the time is nearly impossible. It means living with some serious consequences. To be extreme truthful is to face extreme serious situations in life. So, a mixture of truth and lie is the possible way for an average individual. One needs to grasp the essential difference between harmless and harmful lies; most of the lies that people use in day to day life is harmless. The motivation behind most of the lies is not to cheat others but to have a temporary escape from trivial situations.

It is better to avoid lies that affect ones reputation in the the ways we lie essay. This work explores the effectiveness and relevance of the theme selected for the essay. It further goes on to explore the evidence given by the author, effect of lying in daily life, and effectiveness of the argument in favour of lying. The logic behind the work is simple, the ways we lie essay, but is based on the basic instinct of all human beings, i. the habit of lying, the ways we lie essay. The emotion revealed by the author is irony, but not much serious. But it is able to touch the very heart of the reader. The theme selected and the personal experiences included reveal the credibility of the author, the ways we lie essay.

Thesis statement:-Stephanie Ericsson categorises the lies into so many categories: however, she fails to identify and analyse the hidden reasons behind telling lies. This creates a negative effect on the reader. The reader can easily identify the person behind idea and experience. It is evident that the seriousness of the situation forces an individual to tell lies. When one considers the seriousness of a lie, or its effect, the situation which forced the individual to do so must be considered. By not explaining why people lie has a negative affect on the reader and her essay. She did not completely explain her logic and arguments. So this creates a negative effect on the reader about the motives of lies.

Moreover, the author is unable to explain her logic behind her argument and as such the article falls short of substantiation of the arguments dealt with, the ways we lie essay. For example, the same lie that is used the ways we lie essay different situations creates different effects. This is not specified in the essay even though it is important, the ways we lie essay. The essay is one sided because only the effect of lies is described but the situation and the reason behind each lie is discarded. This breaks the uniformity of ideas that are used in the essay. For example, the author points out various types of lies that are used by husband and wife, but the motivation behind them is ignored.

Simple description of the types of lies may not create a positive effect on the reader. The author points out that lies are used to escape from trivial situations. But the author herself considers that, to the ways we lie essay lies in certain situations is not dishonest. The reason that is given to clarify this point of view is that these types of lies are meant not to hurt others but to escape from silly problems. From the beginning itself, the ways we lie essay, the readers can identify that the author is not against telling lies. If the author is against telling lies, readers can expect ideas against the abuse of lies.

The detailed description of lies does not help the reader to find out the hidden reason behind the habit of telling the ways we lie essay. But the author goes on describing various types of lies. Author says that the white lie is harmless and aiming to help others. Facades are lies that help people to pretend and sometimes they prove to be destructive. And it is similar to the next type of lie, i. For example, the author mentions the story of Father James Porter who was a sexual molester of little children.

By ignoring the fact about James Porter, The ways we lie essay got indirectly involved in the issue. This was like an indirect co-operation from the side of church. Deflecting is another form of lie where it takes the form of refusal of responding and screaming out of frustration. Omission is another lie where the important topic is omitted and unimportant topic is focused with due importance. For example, the omission of Lilith from The Holy Bible is aimed to keep women weak. Stereotypes and clichés are used to close human mind and to separate them by categorizing them and generalizing them.

Group think is a sort of lie which forces the individual to be loyal to the group and it helps the individual to ignore facts that are considered as unwanted. So one can see that Group think initiated the tendency to ignore basic facts and it is evident from this example of Japanese attack of Pearl Harbour on December 7, The decision of the American forces to stay there ignoring the warning created the critical situation. The out and out lies are the lies that are easily confronted. Moreover, this may be in the form of an argument. Usually, children use this lie to confuse the elders. Dismissal is the slipperiest of all lies and this lie is capable to create damages on personality and reputation. This lie is rooted in mental disorder and it is serious.

Delusion is the end of the lies that are described by the author. This lie helps the individual to see excuses as real facts. The reality behind this tendency is that human mind has the power to transform lies to truth. It is also a survival mechanism. The last two forms of lies that are discussed are related to mental disorders the ways we lie essay they must be treated according to medical norms. The work helps the reader to know more about the seriousness of telling lies and its effect on individual. But it fails to justify the reason behind the tendency to tell lies.

But it is evident that most of the people, whether they are urban or notshow the tendency to tell lies. The purpose of the essay is to create awareness in the reader about various types of lies in order to give a correct idea of its influence on individuals. Author is in a conversational mood and is able to have a mutual understanding with the reader through the description of various types of lies which are familiar to all. The counter arguments against the issue of telling lie is that it is a safety valve that protects the individual from emotional burst by telling silly lies. It can be seen that telling lies provide pleasure and relief to individuals who feel frustration. The society can ignore silly lies but the lies that are related to psychological problems must not be ignored and it must undergo proper medical treatment.

The essay fails to address the issue adequately and also to provide remedial measures to avoid the tendency to tell lies. The author tries to evaluate various types of lies that influence the individuals and their lives. Some consider telling lies as an emotional outlet. Some others consider it as a silly thing equal to conversation. Some others use lies to create problem to themselves and to others. The tendency to repeat lies is to be tackled with the help of medical science because it create problem in society. It is evident that the theme selected for the the ways we lie essay is general and applicable to the whole world. The essay is well worth because it helps the reader to have a broader outlook about lies and the effect of lies.

The strength of the essay is that it is in a conversational mood and it helps the reader to grasp the content easily. The theme is simple and is closely connected to the day to day life of individuals. Whereas, the weakness of the essay is that it fail to verify the cause of this behaviour. The positive effect created by the use of a general topic nullifies the negative side of the essay, the ways we lie essay. Her style is informal and she uses colloquial language and usages to justify her claim. Humour keeps the free flow of idea without any interruption. For example, personal experiences on day to day life. The style of sentences used is simple and convincing and are not lengthy. For example, use of colloquial words and usages.

The general organisation of the essay is loose but does not hinder the flow of ideas. The author categorises the lies into categories but fails to analyse the hidden reasons behind this habit. Moreover, the the ways we lie essay does not provide any remedial measures to avoid the influence of lies. The plot of the essay is loosely tied and it affects the unity of ideas, the ways we lie essay.

ideas for personal essays

The first is the negative type of lying. This is referred as having a negative intention of deceiving other individuals as a way to take advantage of others. This is having the intention of lying for the purpose of preventing others from discovering their evil intention against other individuals or groups. This is the most undesirable way to deceiving others just to fulfill self-greed. On the other side, there is a positive reason why people would lie to others. This is to prevent any negative consequences that the person experiences. An example is when the person will reason out that they are smart, which is reality is not in order to feel better and comfortable with their activities. Lying on a good way is important to prevent harsh consequences in the future.

It has been learned that lying is still deceptive against other individuals. This is because the effects of lying are still hurtful against other individuals who affected by the incident. Lying, in general, is an immoral act because every person needs to know the truth regardless of the consequences that they encounter in their lives. When we chose to provide false information, we are hurting other individuals because we intend to take advantage of their weaknesses in life. Karma is irreversible, especially when the damage is serious enough to destroy your reputation and the image to other individuals. Therefore, lying should be avoided to prevent any conflicts with other individuals or involved parties Freitas-Magalhaes.

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For killing, there is first- degree and second-degree murder, in addition to manslaughter. Each level is different, but all are still crimes. Similarly, lying might take different forms with some being more severe than others, but all are still wrong. My point is not that lying is a crime, but instead that all types of lying are harmful, just like all types of crime are harmful. Therefore, there is not a situation where lying is ever right — all lies are wrong and harmful. White lies may seem harmless, but in reality they are just as wrong as other lies. But, in effect, it is the liar deciding what is best for the lied to. Ultimately, it is a vote of no confidence. According to Ericsson, a white lie is not any less harmful than a harsh truth. White lies deny people from making their own judgment on the truth, and they assume that the person will be better off not knowing the truth.

Basically, what she means is that the person making the white lie is essentially thinking for the person being lied to. I think that people should be able to take the facts and decide their opinion for themselves. White lies deny information which people do not seem to like. For example, there was a nationwide outrage when the details about the NSA were leaked by Edward Snowden. In other words, people do not like it when they are not told the truth. Thus, white lies are harmful ecause they prevent the person being lied to from knowing the entire truth and from coming to terms with it by themselves.

Instead, they end up finding out later when they are not as prepared to handle the truth. Furthermore, lying might seem better than telling the truth at first, but in the long run it is not. Here, Anna explicitly tells a white lie to her husband in order to see Gurov. While the husband believes the lie, he also suspects that something is going on and thus also does not believe Anna. In my opinion, the lies that Anna tells eventually will cause a greater amount of damage than the truth would. The husband already senses something wrong which might cause distrust. Personally, I would rather know the truth if my partner was unhappy because we would be able to talk it out and possibly resolve the issue. Instead, the person being lied to thinks omething that is not true because of the lie, causing tension to build up over time.

Hence, while a lie might seem beneficial at first, the damage eventually builds up to the point that the truth would have been less harmful. In addition, lying causes more damage for the liar than simply telling the truth would. How were they to shake off these ntolerable fetters? Here, we see that while Anna and Gurov were content being with each other at first, eventually the lie catches up with them. They are put in fetters, or chains, caused by the lie that restrict them. Another way to put it is that they are not able to live comfortably because they live in fear.

I believe that lying always has consequences. In this case, the lie ends up harming the liar, rather than the person being lied to. In the end, rather than telling the truth to their partners, Anna and Gurov chose to lie and it ends up harming them more than honesty would have. If they were honest, they would have been ble to resolve the issue peacefully and not have to live in fear.

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