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Inferno essay

Inferno essay

Many of the elements of courtly love, which Dante expresses elsewhere with reference to his beloved Beatrice, inferno essay, are evident in this epic work as well. It's a Free, No-Obligation Inquiry! New York: Norton, WORKS CITED Carson, Ciaran. Dante Alighieri, Stanley Lombardo. The Inferno essay of Beauty in Salesman and "Prufrock" Beauty is missing from illy Loman's…. Works Cited Alighieri, Dante.

Inferno Summary

Infeno as an Epic An epic poem inferno essay seveal standad featues to it. These include that the poem is a naative on a lage scale; that the poem is a stoy of adventue, inferno essay, usually involving a heo on some kind of quest; that the poem begins in the middle of the action o in medias es; that it contains a link to myth o legend; that battles and peilous jouney's ae a majo pat of the action; and that thee is a efeence to the supenatual, Gods o the undewold. By compaing the poem "The Inferno essay to these qualities of an epic, it will be inferno essay that the poem qualifies as an epic poem, meeting evey one of these qualities. Fistly, the poem is a naative on a lage scale. The poem is a naative on a lage scale in thee ways. It is an epic in tems of its….

Again, this is related to the theme, since the journey to find God is the major theme, inferno essay. Finally, the battles are less physical ones and more spiritual ones. Again this represents that the poem itself is based on a spiritual journey. Overall then, "The Inferno" meets the requirements of an epic poem, while altering these requirements slightly to fit well with its theme. Inferno by Dante Alighieri The gates of hell are littered with monsters, and the monsters are the gates to the sinners' hearts. In Dante Alighieri's Inferno, monstrosity is not only shown through the punishments of the sinners in inferno essay circle of hell; it is also shown in the grotesqueness and violent traits exhibited by each corresponding demon that Dante meets.

Cerberus, the Harpies, and Lucifer are just some of the prominent creatures inhabiting the underworld, all exhibiting the ugliness of the sins portrayed in their own circles -- gluttony, suicide, and betrayal. As Dante enters the gates of the underworld in Canto VI, he is met with "monstrous and cruel" 12 Cerberus, the three-headed dog that guards the entrance inferno essay the dead. Cerberus is a fearsome creature, a giant beast that claws at the sinners of the first circle: gluttony. In classical Greek mythology, Cerberus is nothing but a fearsome….

References Dante, Alighieri, Robert Pinsky, and Nicole Pinsky, inferno essay. The Inferno of Dante: a New Verse Translation. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, tracing the relationship of Dante and Virgil based on Robert Pinsky's translation, the Inferno of Dante. Review The Inferno of Dante. Both writers and scholars demonstrate their thinking and polarism in this epic poem, inferno essay. Dante's selection of Virgil to lead him through the underworld is significant unto itself, inferno essay. The "Inferno" -- which is the first part of Dante's "Divina Commedia" -- remains a popular and compelling poem for modern readers; there have been at least fifty English versions of the "Inferno" in this century alone.

Of course, any translator must rely on previous translations and commentators in undertaking such an ambitious task, and Pinsky has said that he depended largely on Charles ingleton's scholarly, painstakingly literal prose translationand on the best-known nineteenth-century American verse translation, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Sources Poetry, Computers inferno essay Dante's Inferno. Wen Stephenson. Atlantic Monthly Online Conference. Robert Pinsky. Dante's Eighth Circle Ulysses in Dante's Eighth Circle of the Inferno In the Eighth Circle of the Inferno, inferno essay, Dante places all those souls whose vice was falsehood. It is a sensible dwelling place for them since it is the last Circle before the final Ninth Circle wherein dwells the Father of Lies, Satan or Dis.

In the Eighth Circle, one finds flatterers, panderers, fortune tellers, hypocrites, inferno essay, evil counselors and more. hat all of them have in common is their practice of distorting the true nature of things. For that reason does Dante find Ulysses in the ditch of the evil counselors in Canto XXVI. This paper will examine a passage from this Canto and examine its context, significance, and my reaction to it. In the eighth ditch of the Eighth Circle, Dante meets the evil counselors whose sin was to abuse their position and gift from God which was…. Works Cited Dante. The Divine Comedy. John Ciardi]. NY: Penguin, Bhagavad-Gita and Dante's Inferno This is a comparison between the Bhagavad-Gita and Dante's Inferno on the concept of heaven, hell and God.

It has 2 sources. Most religions and religious concepts that are well-known are ones that have concepts of a 'heaven,' a God. The 'Bhagavad-Gita' is an example of a book that presents a religious concept that consists of a belief in God Krishnaheaven and demons, and it is one that is associated with Hindu beliefs. Through its teachings, it is said to encompass all human beings no matter what their religious beliefs are, inferno essay. In contrast and similarity to this is 'Dante's Inferno', a book that is not a book that teaches but rather presents a moral within an event that is not concerned with a specific religion but rather human beliefs as a whole, including the concept of heaven, hell and God as major components in it.

References Miller, Barbara Stoler. The Bhagavad-Gita: Krishna's Counsel in Time of War. New York: Bantam Classics, Alighieri, Dante. Dante's Inferno. The text is in this sense highly educational because it draws the attention, through literary language, to aspects which are often disregarded in everyday life nowadays. In a general manner, Dante's Inferno, as is the trilogy the Devine Comedy may also represent the interior feelings of a tormented soul, trapped in its sinful thoughts and actions, inferno essay. A symbol in this sense can be considered the continuous circles of the Inferno which represent the decaying levels of humanity. The upper levels may still present some innocence as the sins are not evil but rather innocent because the people trapped in the Limbo lost the divine contact with God; for the lower levels however, which include fraud and treachery, the sins are unpardonable.

Thus, while the Church can bring back faith, fraud and treachery as understood by Dante cannot be forgotten. Indeed, parts of Dante's journey are today dissolute. Aspects such as…. Bibliography Dante Alighieri. By this way, no good spirit ever passes" e also know what it means to be a Christian when Virgil tells Dante that the spirits they see in the first level of hell are there because while they were "before Christianity, inferno essay worshipped not God" Here we know that Dante is trying to impress the importance of pleasing God, inferno essay. It is also important to note that while Dante interjects politics into his poem, it is clear that political beliefs do not factor into the equation when it comes to living a good life.

Politicians inferno essay all lifestyles are in hell as well as religious figures. For example, we see Brunetto and Pope Nicholas III in hell for their sins. Brunetto addresses Dante with a "sense of shame" 86 and Pope Nicholas III is quick to "declare his own evil ways" ith these very real figures, Dante…. In both Dante's Inferno and Hesse's Siddhartha, the process of finding the way to get onto inferno essay "path of Truth" as well as the journey to that Path are central to the stories. Religious doctrines mostly pretend to show a person the "Path. On the other side, Hinduism is considered to count among the less restricting religions, inferno essay. This is, inferno essay, of course, subject to interpretation.

Theat is why, both Dante and Hesse approach the theme of enlightenment from inferno essay slightly different point-of-view. In the case of Siddhartha, the idea is that…. Bibliography: Hesse, inferno essay, Herman. Wildside Press LLC, Dante, Inferno, Random House LLC, inferno essay, Aug 3, inferno essay, The punishments Dante witnesses and which he imparts to the reader of his epic are appropriate in that they evoke a powerful psychological reaction. If the punishments had been self-inflicted, the tone and meaning of the work would change dramatically. One of the underlying messages of the Inferno is of the absolute nature of God's power and of the nature of eternity.

Hell in the Inferno is no temporary state of being but rather eternal damnation for sinners. If the inferno essay had been self-inflicted, the power of both God and Satan would have been undermined by the power of human will and repentance. The fact that Satan and his minion Minos exact these punishments on the human sinners proves the power of the divine over human beings. If the human sinners elected to punish themselves it would have demonstrated the power of human will can overcome the wrath of God…. Dante's Inferno essay And Manzoni's The Betrothed Alessandro Manzoni's only novel The Betrothed is a national inferno essay in Italy and second in popularity in this history of Italian literature only to Dante's Divine Comedy.

He was a liberal nationalist from an aristocratic family and a leading supporter of the reunification Risorgimento of Italy. His novel is set in Lombardy in and was in fact a call for liberation from foreign rule, which was still the norm in the fragmented Italy of the s. Manzoni had been an unbeliever as a young man, inferno essay, but later rejoined the church and became very devout, inferno essay, which is why he took Dante seriously and incorporated themes and images from his work into The Betrothed. He believed in sin, salvation and damnation, and the power of conversion experiences that both he and the characters in his story underwent, inferno essay.

Dante was also from the aristocracy and his…. WORKS CITED Carson, Ciaran. The Inferno of Dante Alighieri. New York Review of Books, Ciccarelli, Andrea, inferno essay. Making and Remaking Italy: The Cultivation of National Identity around the Risorgimento. Oxford, De La Torre, Miguel and Albert Hernandez. The Quest for the Historical Satan. Fortress Press, Feinstein, Wiley. The Civilization of the Holocaust in Italy: Poets, inferno essay, Artists, Saints, Inferno essay.

homelessness essay

In this way, the crime fitting the punishment has no positive outcome, but has a negative one. Works Cited Dante, A. Sarah Lawall and Maynard Mack. New York W. For some people, beating on drums and meditation is a spiritual way to experience their religion on a higher level, which releases a different understanding. The Decameron includes a frame story about the plague in Florence in , which can be explained from the following. AN EPOCH-AKING EVENT in the development of early Italian narrative is the canonization, thanks to the astounding success of Boccaccio Decameron, of the cornice, the framing device. The formula of the novelliere aperto, the loosely structured anthology of stories such as the Novellino , becomes secondary to that of the novelliere chiuso, in which a meta-story encompasses all others.

In contemporary developments within the genre of lyric poetry, the fragmentary collection evolves into the prosimetrum Dante Trita nuova and the canzoniere Petrarch Rime. In order to monitor the progress of literary forms out of the archaic period, one must focus on the development of innovative modes…. Misusing metaphors adds to the comedic value of the sonnet and sets a satirical tone. But when the literary devices change, the tone changes from satire to authentic language. By abandoning literary devices for sincerity the narrator has concluded his theme; that sincerity and realism is worth more than false comparisons.

This is when the method of satire to convey an authentic message becomes effective. When the theme of the sonnet is concluded with sincere language and the audience then understands Shakespeare's use of satire. Poetry analysis: 'My Mistress' Eyes are nothing like the Sun,' by William Shakespeare. Don Quixote's quest was about following dreams no matter how foolish they may seem to others. He was an idealist who believed there were no limits in life Don Quixote is the hero of Don Quixote, the early 17th century novel by Miguel de Cervantes.

Quixote is a dreamer and a gentle buffoon, an aging gentleman who sets out from his village of La Mancha to perform acts of chivalry in the name of his grand love Dulcinea. He rides a decrepit horse, Rocinante, and is accompanied by his "squire," the peasant Sancho Panza. Quixote's imagination often gets the better of him; in once famous incident he tilts at windmills, imagining them to be giants. Throughout his many adventures Quixote often seems ridiculous, yet he maintains his staunchly hopeful attitude and belief in chivalry.

the term quixotic now describes anyone who takes on an idealistic or foolish quest against great odds. the book Don Quixote inspired the play Man of La Mancha, in which Quixote's quest is summed up in the song "The Impossible Dream. Indeed, similarities between Virgil and Dante's depiction of the underworld were evident in Canto IX, wherein Dante witnessed suffering in the City of Dis: To the high tower with the flame-tipped top Where at one spot there straightaway stood up Three infernal Furies stained with blood, Their bodies and behavior that of women. Their waists were cinctured with green hydras; For hair they had horned snakes and poison adders With which their savage temples were enwreathed. This passage reflects Dante's subjective interpretation of what Limbo, or the City of Dis, is like: similar to Virgil, he believed that the underworld is a place where suffering thrives and moral decline the cause of humanity's hardships.

Furthermore, the underworld is a state where restlessness and dissatisfaction in life is the norm rather than the exception. Fury, as reflected in the passage, reigns in the underworld, an emotional state that was the result…. Dante, Sophocles, Gilgamesh REVISED The Epic of Gilgamesh, Dante's Inferno and Sophocles Oedipus the King are all classic and foundational estern texts which depict, en passant, the importance of humankind's demand to know, to explore and penetrate the unknown, to arrive at ultimate truths about existence and its mysteries, and to find meaning or value therein. I hope to demonstrate with reference to specific episodes -- that of Utnapishtim in Gilgamesh, of the episode of Ulysses in Dante's Inferno, and in the great address to the protagonist hymned by the chorus of Sophocles' tragedy of Oedipus -- this complicated depiction of human intellectual overreach.

Dante provides us with the basic topos of this kind of overreach as a sort of failed heroism, or heroism that breaks forth the bounds of Aristotelian temperance or sophrosyne and becomes, paradoxically, a vice. The Aristotelian definition of sin is central to Dante, since his…. The Divine Comedy: Inferno. Translated with an introduction by John Ciardi. New York: Modern Library, Kovacs, Maureen Gallery [Translator]. The Epic of Gilgamesh. Electronic edition by Wolf Carnahan, The Three Theban Plays. Translated with an introduction by Robert Fagles. New York: Penguin, he writer uses examples and character analysis to present the relationship between the two to the reader. he unfolding of Dante's Inferno is one in which the reader is drawn into the personality characteristics of the players.

Because the topic of the writing is enmeshed in the understanding of hell it is important that the reader become attached to the various players in the work so the reader can understand who the events took place. he relationship between Dante and Virgil is extremely important to the context of the story. Dante and Virgil have a relationship that provides a tour and pathway to the ideas the writer wants the reader to understand and grasp. he relationship between the two moves in several directions…. The relationship between Dante and Virgil is also affected by Virgil's understanding of human nature. While Virgil was a Pagan Dante believed that God sent him and his understanding of human nature was gifted to him by divinity.

Virgil's bluntness about his lack of ability to take Dante to God further cemented the trust Dante placed in Virgil. Getting to God was very important to Dante and when Virgil confessed he was not worthy because he was a pagan and then offered to take him through the hell and purgatory as far as he could then turn Dante over to someone worthy of completing the trip gave Dante more respect for Virgil than ever. He viewed Virgil as a guide and placed his faith in him because of the honest way Virgil had approached him throughout the work. The relationship between Virgil and Dante is a complicated one because Dante, as a faith filled man would not normally turn to a Pagan or one who God was against for help. However, because of the very fact that Virgil was not in good favor by God Dante believed he would indeed be the best teacher and guide through hell and purgatory.

Their relationship, especially considering the opposite ends of their faith, was close, interlocked and one of teacher and student. Dante's Inferno Signet Classic, Dante One of the great ironies of Dante's Inferno is the centrality of earth-bound fame, moral reputation, praise and blame. The importance of reputation would seem to contradict Virgil's efforts in leading Dante through Purgatory to impart a more meaningful moral message. Yet it is important to remember that Dante travels alive; Virgil's lessons are instructive in a direct and practical manner. Dante ascertains life lessons from those he encounters in the afterlife, so that he may improve his prospects for earthbound fame. The importance of fame seems paradoxical when considered in light of the transitory nature of existence.

However, Purgatory presents the consequences of a poor public relations scheme. Investment in moral reputation has the potential to strengthen The Divine Comedy's overarching pretensions, by linking the importance of one's earthly life to the life beyond. Dante makes it clear that reputation does not necessarily have to be pristine to…. Work Cited Alighieri, Dante. Juliet knows there is no hope of reasoning with her father. Capulet's treatment of his daughter is symptomatic of his general lack of respect for women -- he tells the nurse to "Utter your gravity o'er a gossip's bowl" and will not listen to his wife when she tells him he is too 'hot' in his reproaches of his daughter III.

His attitude is why Juliet lies to him and concocts a plan with Friar Lawrence to pretend to be dead, and be reunited with Romeo. She knows what her father wants to hear: "Henceforward I am ever ruled by you," she says, after she has created the plot involving the magic potion IV. She believes has no choice: he refuses to listen to her when she tries to be honest. Although Shakespeare wrote his famous romantic play during the 16th century, the types of attitudes he portrays as existing…. Chronicle, Eliot, George. Silas Marner. Shakespeare, William. Romeo and Juliet. Edited by Peter Holland. Penguin, Dante Of all the people for consideration of placing in Inferno, Osama Ben Ladin is by far the most worthy candidate. He is directly responsible for the death of thousands of innocent men, women and children and has caused unspeakable grief and sorrow, not only in the United States, but around the world.

His actions directly led to military intervention in Afghanistan and possibly in Iraq as well. These events have led to the loss of thousands more, with many being civilians unable to escape the death and destruction of war. Ben Ladin is also guilty of betraying the Muslim religion, using it to justify hate, war, and mass murder and has mislead the religious beliefs of his followers. In doing so, he states that God has blessed a group of vanguard Muslims, the forefront of Islam, to destroy America. There's no question of whether Ben Ladin should to go….

The larger frame of the story thus comprises as major lesson on love as a magical and healing power. Dante's Divine Comedy is an extremely ambitious and impressive work, and one of the greatest writings inspired by the Christian religion. Needless to say, love is essential to Christianity and it is preached in all its different forms. Dante's poem with its effusion of imagination and symbols, as well as through its morally compelling content is similar to the Arabian Nights in that it can be classified as a monument of ingenuity. The structure of Dante's Divine Comedy with its three main divisions and its one hundred cantos is very symbolic. Thus, not accidentally, Dante and his guide Virgil travel progressively from the outward circles to the lowest circles of….

Works Cited Arabian Nights Entertainments transl. By Richard Burton. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Aligheri, Dante. The Divine Comedy ed. By Charles Eliot Norton. Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, The Aeneid Taking a character from The Iliad and setting him on his own journey, the Roman Virgil's epic The Aeneid necessarily contains certain parallels with the earlier Greek text. The overall story of this lengthy poem in and of itself reflects many of the same basic understandings of mankind's place in the universe, its relationship to the gods, and the relationships that exist within society and between men that are already described above, demonstrating that no real fundamental change has occurred in this schema.

Aeneas, the titular hero of the tale who flees his native Troy after it is sacked by the Greeks, is as important as the individual heroes of the war itself, but more than a tale of individual heroism The Aeneid is the story of the founding of a people and the long trajectory of history and humanity. It is a tale for and in many…. Pride in Literature As a universally human characteristic, pride plays an important part in world literary themes. However, pride can be defined and perceived differently, and the term also has many different definitions. For example, pride can refer to a dignified type of satisfaction, as comes from taking pride in one's work.

More often in literature, though, pride is depicted in a negative light and is usually featured as a tragic flaw that, if not overcome, brings about the hero's downfall. Moreover, the implications and meaning of pride in literature has changed over the course of time. Pride was portrayed as a necessary but dangerous trait of powerful leaders in the ancient epics of Greece and Mesopotamia like Gilgamesh, the Iliad, and the Odyssey. The trait of pride reached a sort of thematic culmination in the Old English work Beowulf, in which the title character's pride contributes positively to his…. Twelve-Step Program to Escaping Dante's Hell Dante's The Inferno paints an incredibly vivid picture of what Hell is like. The journey Dante undertakes in order to progress past his 'lost' stage and escape Hell can be likened to the Step Program a recovering alcoholic must complete in order to finally escape from the clutches of drinking to excess.

This paper endeavors to explore Dante's journey through the perspective of this Step Program. y going through each step, one can witness the introspective and emotional self-examination Dante goes through, with a little help from his support group, in order to get out of Hell. The first step that every recovering alcoholic must take involves the process of admitting his or her problem. Alcoholics must acknowledge that they are helpless when battling their addiction and they must admit that this addiction to drink has wreaked havoc on their lives to the point…. Bibliography Alcoholics Anonymous The Story of How Many Thousands of Men and Women Have Recovered From Alcoholism. New York City: Alcoholics Anonymous Publishing, Inc. html ClassicNote on Inferno. shtml Dante's Inferno: Character List.

In The Inferno, Beatrice is more the goal to which the poet aspires as he passes through Hades, and later through Purgatorio before reaching Beatrice in the ideal Paradise. Many of the elements of courtly love, which Dante expresses elsewhere with reference to his beloved Beatrice, are evident in this epic work as well. For example, Beatrice and the Virgin Mary are the two women who send Virgil to guide the poet through the Inferno, and this also adds luster to Virgil as a spiritual guide as Dante adheres to the Italian, Christian view of women, a school touched by sentiment and by the elevation of women to a high place.

Beatrice is the ideal woman who is held in highest esteem by Dante. She is his symbol of all that is high and beautiful, and her selection of Virgil does him credit. Virgil is to be his guide through…. Works Cited Boccaccio, Giovanni. The Decameron. Translated by G. Dante, Alighieri. Dante's Comedy. Brookline Village, Massachusetts: Branden, McPeek further blames Jonson for this corruption: "No one can read this dainty song to Celia without feeling that Jonson is indecorous in putting it in the mouth of such a thoroughgoing scoundrel as Volpone. hen Jonson created his adaptation of carmina 5, there was only one other complete translation in English of a poem by Catullus.

That translation is believed to have been Sir Philip Sidney's rendering of poem 70 in Certain Sonnets, however, it was not published until This means that Jonson's knowledge of the poem must have come from the Latin text printed in C. Catulli, Albii, Tibulli, Sex. Works Cited Alghieri, Dante Inferno. Allen Mandelbaum. New York: Bantam Dell, Allen, Graham. Routledge; First Edition, Baker, Christopher. Miller and Eliot on Beauty Comparing and Contrasting "Beauty" in Miller and Eliot Arthur Miller and T. Eliot are two 20th century American playwrights. hile the latter is more commonly noted for expatriating to Britain and writing some of the most memorable poetry of the early 20th century, the former is noted for his famous depiction of the common man's struggle to find meaning and fulfillment in Death of a Salesman.

As distinct as the two writers may seem, they both conceive of and treat the theme of beauty -- Miller analyzing its absence in Salesman, and Eliot analyzing its abandonment in several poems like "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" and "The asteland. The Absence of Beauty in Salesman and "Prufrock" Beauty is missing from illy Loman's…. Works Cited Aristotle. Barstow, Marjorie. Blasing, Mutlu Konuk. American Poetry: The Rhetoric of Its Forms. New Haven: Yale. Finally, Vigil's pesence thoughout the Divine Comedy is thee fo a philosophical eason, as well; he is meant to epesent the claity of eason in a spiitually chaotic univese. Home, autho of the geat epic the Odyssey, also appeas in Dante's Divine Comedy, in the Limbo section of the Infeno.

Home was also the autho of the Iliad, which tells the stoy of the Tojan Wa. Home's pesence in Dante's wok effectively connects the Floentine poet with the politics and poetics of ancient Geece. This is futhe symbolized by the fact that Home, in the Infeno, leads as "Lod" thee Latin poets - Hoace, Ovid, and Lucan. This futhe undelines the effect that the ancient Geeks had on the Romans - and the double influence that both had on Dante as a poet and politician. The Latin poet Lucan, although not as well-known as Hoace and Ovid today, was an…. references and spiritual invocations of Roman and Greek poets of the past, Dante's the Divine Comedy signals an important act of homage to some of the great writers that preceded him - writers whose voices are allowed to resonate through Dante Alighieri's own.

Unlike Teiresias, she does not use divination or prophecy but only her memory of events on earth. Finally, Odysseus sees the shades of various prominent characters from the Iliad and learns from this the manner of their deaths. Dante is led to the Inferno described as a physical journey under the earth, but, by this late date, clearly the journey is metaphorical by Virgil. He does not seek divination, but does encounter Canto XX diviners, who, in poetic justice, are forced to walk with their heads turned backwards because, while on earth, they could not see the future as they claimed. Like Odysseus, Dante sees the eschatological fate of many recently deceased contemporaries. But in this case, the theme is used by Dante to suggest that his and his family's political enemies he was a White Guelph were, literally, damnable.

In the Odyssey, the journey to the underworld takes place…. In terms of Renaissance philosophy, Galileo Galilei is an example of a humanist who strongly defended the gradual flourishing and subsistence to the scientific revolution happening in his society during the Renaissance period. Galileo was a strong advocate for the usage of science in discovering truth and new knowledge, using the principles of mathematics and philosophy in strengthening the study of astronomy and physics in the society. Through Galileo, the nature of free scientific inquiry prevailed, challenging, though not condemning, philosophical and theological issues that cannot empirically answer truth and reality in life.

Dante Alighieri's "Inferno," meanwhile, is a literary piece that represented his inquiry into the spiritual and humanistic foundations of human existence during his time. In a period wherein theological foundations and philosophies are being questioned, Dante's "Inferno" confronted the moral and spiritual issues being questioned by Dante and his society during this challenging period of Renaissance. Desire has been a key catalyst awakening love from its passive state. Moreover, the power of the desire can be so great as to become a permanent fixture of the heart: " and often, rooting there with longing, stays. Therefore, in "Love and the gentle heart," Rossetti refers to the type of love shared between the spouses in an old married couple.

The married couple relies on the staying power of a gentle heart, a heart subject to nature's innate…. Works Cited Mondragon, Brenda C. Apart from taking an authoritative role in the Symposium, many people consider her to be behind the doubts of her existence. She passes her wisdom to Socrates who in turn passes it to his many friends. She distinguishes the difference that existed between good and beautiful in the context of love. She emphasizes the significance of the object of love even in beauty and birth. Duchess of Malfi by John Webster The story presents a penetration of the surface of the anarchy of life that does not guarantee a divine moral pattern. Instead, the outcome is a cycle of terror. The Duchess are yet to conquer the horror to realize spiritual victory.

The Duchess of Malfi takes place during the 16th Century at the Duchess' palace in Italy. Ferdinand and the Cardinal…. Guadalcanal: Decision at Sea: The Naval attle of Guadalcanal, November , Pacifica, CA: Pacifica Military History, , p. mil Web site. htm accessed March 18, , p. Challenge for the Pacific: Guadalcanal: The Turning Point of the War Paperback. New York, NY: antam ooks, , pp. USN Cruiser vs. IJN Cruiser: Guadalcanal New York, NY: Osprey Publishing, , pp. Halsey, the Southwest Pacific Theater commander, was also a…. Bibliography Baer, George. One Hundred Years of Sea Power: The U. Navy, Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, Frank, Richard B. Guadalcanal: The Definitive Account of the Landmark Battle. New York, NY: Penguin Books USA, Inc. Hammel, Eric.

Carrier Clash: The Invasion of Guadalcanal and the Battle of the Eastern Solomons: August, Paul, MN: Zenith Press, an imprint of MBI Publishing Company, Guadalcanal: Decision at Sea: The Naval Battle of Guadalcanal, November , Pacifica, CA: Pacifica Military History, Management Project in the Health Care Organization Setting This study describes the implementation of a syndromic surveillance system. The syndromic surveillance system collects and analyzes prediagnostic and nonclinical disease indicators, drawing on preexisting electronic data that can be found in systems such as electronic health records, school absenteeism records and pharmacy systems.

The systems are utilized to identify specific symptoms within a population that may indicate a public health event or emergency such as signaling an outbreak of an infectious disease. school absenteeism records and pharmacy systems. Informatics Management Project In The Health Care Organization Setting Part One - Introduction The objective of this study is to describe the implementation of a syndromic surveillance system. Syndromic surveillance systems collect and analyze…. References Buckeridge, DL, et al. Chen, H, Zeng, D, Ping, Y and Ping Y Infectious Disease Informatics; Syndromic Surveillance for Public Health and Biodefense.

Springer Medical MMWR Supplement 26 Aug htm Public Meaningful Use Arkansas Department of Public Health. Dante's journey through his 'mid-life' crisis. It uses 7 sources in MLA format and it has a list of bibliography. Mid-life is a period in life in which adults take on new responsibilities, in the family, and at work and changes are often wrought within, not only in the physical but also in their spiritual self. The realities of life often stare them in the face, a very real possibility of death begins to strike them, their faith or lack of it is in doubt, very often there are crises in personal or work life, there is a general need to "reappraise previous life structures with an eye to making revisions while there is still time" Huyck, The term of "mid-life crisis" was originally coined by Jaques who claimed that people encounter a crisis as they realize their own mortality and a change in time frame from "time….

Bibliography Gardiner, Eileen, Ed. Himmelfarb, Martha. Tours of Hell: An Apocalyptic Form in Jewish and Christian Literature. Philadelphia: U. Of Penn. Press, Le Goff, Jacques. The Birth of Purgatory. Chicago: U. Of Chicago Press, Tierney, Brian. A Spectrum Book. Englewood Cliffs, N. Dante Aligheri Dante's Purgatorio Dante's Divine Comedy depicts three possibilities of life after death: Inferno, or Hell, where the unsaved spend eternity, Purgatorio or Purgery, where the saved who still have some sins to account for go, and finally Paradiso, or Paradise, the final destiny of the faithful.

The Canto's of each possibility are told through the viewpoint of Dante and Virgil, who make the journey together. The discussion that follows is focused on the insights and meaning derived from the two artists' journey through Purgatorio. The Spiritual Meaning of Purgatorio The main, spiritual meaning of Purgatorio focuses on the fact that it is a transitory state between the death of the body and the spirit's ascendance to heaven. In contrast to Inferno, the souls doing penance here have the hope of its end and of their final admission into paradise. The atmosphere in this place also substantiates the feeling…. Bibliography Hollander, R. Allegory in Dante's "Commedia.

Advent at the Gates: Dante's Comedy. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, Priest, P. Dante's Incarnation of the Trinity. Ravenna:Longo, Qu'an simila to and diffeent fom the Holy Bible? Give examples fom each wok to illustate thei similaities and diffeences The Qu'an is the holy book of Islam, the eligion established by Muhammad while the Holy Bible is the saced book of Chistianity. Thee ae a numbe of ways in which the Qu'an is simila as well as dissimila to the Holy Bible. Fo states, both of them consist of chonicles, teachings, poety, and epimanding. Seveal chonicles encompass the simila basic occasions and individuals. The Qu'an and the Bible both teach the ceation of the wold by a distinct almighty, all-knowing God who commands human beings to follow the moality set out fo them.

Fist of foemost, one of the key simila doctine is that God, efeed to as Allah in the Qu'an, and Yahweh in the Bible, is the only ceato of all things in the univese and whose…. references to elements in the sacred books as he points out the time of Adam's creation. In particular, Pico mirrors upon the fact that God, being the creator and artist of the universe, made the decision to make this being that is dissimilar to the other beasts, and who, as they emanate from the womb of their mother, have only one distinctive role to fulfill in this world. Man, on the other hand, has been bequeathed grace, personality, and the ingenuity that comes straight out of his own Creator. This, in particular, is the free will to act in keeping with the directives of the heart, mind, and soul.

Taking this into consideration, freedom is intrinsic and blessed by the Higher Power and it is an indication of God's distinctive love for humankind. However, Pico is keen to point out that freedom is not an assurance of happiness. Free will implies setting one's own objectives and thereby acting and operating in their own accord. For this reason, with freedom comes about a great deal of far-reaching and significant responsibilities for the reason that at the end of the day, human beings set up their own destiny.

The most significant thing is that all human beings have the similar right and freedom to be completely happy and have the sense of feeling blessed by their Maker. More so, with the understanding that there is good will and a comprehensive way to nurture the "being," self-determination and freedom will instigate miracles in every Tom, Dick, and Harry. For that reason, the free will bequeathed to us by God as a gift to all humankind can impel us to utilize our freedom for whatsoever we wish and desire. Nonetheless, it is most beneficial and fruitful to make the most of the gift of free will for our own benefit, to grow into better persons and to at no given point, be unable to summon up our inimitable status as children of the "great Artisan," which is God. In accordance to Pico, a man is duty-bound to imitate the dignity and splendor of the angels by undertaking philosophy.

More so, he asserts that a man, if he develops what is coherent and sensible, will disclose himself as a heavenly being. Furthermore, if he is intelligent, he will be an angel and the son of God. Pico proclaims that a philosopher is a living being of heaven and not of the earth. At the time when man exercises philosophy or moralizes, he climbs up the chain of being in the direction of the angels and close association with God. However, on the other hand, if he fails to exercise philosophy and use his intellect, he starts to vegetate. The foundation and basis of this dignity lay in Pico's proclamation that only human beings were capable of changing themselves by means of their own free will, while all other alternation in nature were resultant of some external force operating on whatever it is that is cause to experience change.

Pico made the observation that from the past account, philosophies and bodies were constantly in change, which made the capacity of man for self-transformation as the sole constant. In real life, Beatrice…. The poet is in turmoil and he turns from his love in order to prevent tarnishing or "spoil" Pound 2 her because she is surrounded by a "new lightness" 3. This poem reflects upon the importance of experience. Like the poets mentioned before, this poet wants us to consider every aspect of our actions. e should not only think of what we want to do but also how that desire and acting upon it will alter our lives.

Robert Frost is focused upon the experience of nature. In "Dust of Snow," the poet brings poetry to life as if it were music. hen we read: The way a crow Shook down on me The dust of snow From a hemlock tree Frost Here the poet wants to explore rather than embark on some discovery. These writers are different in their individuals styles but they each desire to connect with…. Works Cited Dickinson, Emily. New York: Garden City Publishing. Eliot, T. Alfred Prufrock. Boston: Bedford Books of St. Martin's Press. Dickinson, Emily. The "respectable" women did not have anything to worry about, and this shows the great class distinctions in England at the time.

The author continues, "They reinforced prevailing prejudices about the East End as a strange territory of savages, a social abyss, an inferno" Walkowitz To the upper class, these people did not exist, and should not exist, especially the pubic women who were forced to make their life on the streets. In addition, after the murders, there was so much public outcry that several of the lodging houses these women relied on were raised, which made them homeless as well as desperate. The public simply wanted the problem to disappear, but it just relocated the women to an even more precarious position.

There were even people that tried to profit off the women's deaths, opening up museums with wax figures of them depicted in detail. In reality, these…. This, perhaps, has made me more of an avid listener that is eager to appreciate what others have got to say rather than being a high decibel demagogue that would neither brook any resistance nor would tolerate any dissidence, however mild that may be. Thus, the very essence of communication, which is nothing but a means of encouraging and stimulating others to share their views while attempting to skillfully shepherd them to veer around towards the speaker's perspectives, and the form it would finally acquire, is heavily influenced by the speaker's personal behavioral traits.

Listening as a Potent Tool for Effective Communication We must have heard numerous times the exhortation, "Listen carefully, I don't want repeat myself," in some form or the other but in our excessive eagerness to make ourselves heard, we have ignored such requests and pleas and put an unceremonious end to many a potentially enriching communication. References Carbonell, M. Extreme personality makeover: How to develop a winning Christ-like personality to improve your effectiveness! Blue Ridge, GA: Uniquely You Resources. Donahue, M. How active is your listening? communication technique; includes advice for managing anger. Current Health 2, a Weekly Reader Publication, pp. Frisk, B. Effective Listening a Forgotten Art That Can Open Many Doors. Daily Herald, p. Madrigal, D.

The secret of active listening. Tactical Response, pp. Caderousse does nothing to prevent an innocent man from being accused. He has only a superficial role as part of the plot to frame the young man, and does not profit from it because of his incompetence and addiction. He even understands, however dimly, that Dantes will be able to take revenge, should the plot be discovered. When "one gets out of prison,' said Caderousse, who, with what sense was left him, listened eagerly to the conversation, 'and when one gets out and one's name is Edmond Dantes, one seeks revenge'" Chapter 4. Caderousse eventually meets an untimely end, after murdering a man to whom he sold the jewel the Dantes deliberately gave to him, because Dantes knew that Caderousse's temper would result in the drunkard's destruction.

Villefort is perhaps the most complex character in The Count of Monte Cristo. At first, he states that he believes that Dantes is…. Their prostration before the Job had come to replace God for so many immigrants, even constituting something reflective of the mythological characterization of the circles of Hell. The author, once again describing the Lean, tells, "The barrow that he pushed, he did not love. The great God Job, he did not love. He felt a searing bitterness and a fathomless consternation at the queer consciousness that inflicted the ever mounting weight of structures that had to! had to! raise above his shoulders! hen, when and where would the last stone be?

The concept of a never-ending task which never gets smaller or larger, and which never proceeds any closer to or further from its goal, is described as a punishment designed…. Works Cited: Di Donato, P. Geremio: Chapter 1. Christ in Concrete: A Novel, Penguin Classic. Di Donato1, P. Geremio: Chapter 2. Di Donato2, P. Job: Chapter 1. The image of the fog is significant because the protagonist is comparing himself to the fog in that he skirts along the outside of what is happening. If he is like fog, moving slowly and quietly, he does not have to become involved but can still see what is going on. hen he writes that there will be time to "prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet" 27 , he is simply avoiding the issue by putting off the inevitable.

The protagonist convinces himself that there will be time to do all that he wants to do, such as "murder and create" 28 , and "drop a question on your plate" Allan Burns suggests that the images are important to the reader in that they "underscore Prufrock's low self-esteem: he identifies with the lonely working class men" Burns 47 and the image of his dead being chopped off…. Works Cited Burns, Allan Douglas. Thematic Guide to American Poetry. Santa Barbara: Greenwood Publishing. Learning Tools Study Documents Writing Guides About us FAQs Our Blog Citation Generator Flash Card Generator Login SignUp. Filter By:. Keyword s Filter by Keywords: add comma between each. Most Relevant Recently Added Most Popular.

Home Topics Literature Inferno Essays Inferno Essays Examples. Having trouble coming up with an Essay Title? Use our essay title generator to get ideas and recommendations instantly. It is an epic in tems of its… references. In classical Greek mythology, Cerberus is nothing but a fearsome… References Dante, Alighieri, Robert Pinsky, and Nicole Pinsky. In the eighth ditch of the Eighth Circle, Dante meets the evil counselors whose sin was to abuse their position and gift from God which was… Works Cited Dante.

Aspects such as… Bibliography Dante Alighieri. ith these very real figures, Dante… Works Cited Alighieri, Dante. In the case of Siddhartha, the idea is that… Bibliography: Hesse, Herman. Dante was also from the aristocracy and his… WORKS CITED Carson, Ciaran. Torn between the fervently religious mores of his time that perceived even meek extra-marital love as adulterous and between his own romantic experiences, it seems to… Source Dante's Inferno: Canto V. There is no exit from this labyrinth, and… References Dante Aligheiri, "The Inferno. Right now, you can get a professionally written essay in any discipline with a.

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